Syllabus Statements Addressing Emergent Issues (Optional)

Instructors may also wish to include additional content on syllabi to address emergent issues impacting the Brown classroom. These statements, which may vary term-to-term, can help set expectations for students. Inclusion of any of these statements is completely at the discretion of an individual instructor.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI)

This Sheridan Center newsletter includes sample syllabus statements to guide students in their use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. For additional examples of non-Brown syllabus statements, please also see Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools. Examples here include statements that restrict students' generative AI use (see, for example, Example 11 from Salem State University), those that allow use of these tools with clear guidelines (e.g., Example 54 from University of Maine), and those that require its use (e.g., Example 16 from Clemson University). 

Class Recording and Distribution of Materials

I would like to record our discussion because some students may be in different time zones, have poor internet connections, or have health issues. This means that we will record all classes to make them available to all students that are enrolled but cannot be present. If you have questions or concerns about this protocol, please contact me so that we can talk through those to also ensure your full participation in this course. Lectures and other course materials are copyrighted. Students are prohibited from reproducing, making copies, publicly displaying, selling, or otherwise distributing the recordings or transcripts of the materials. The only exception is that students with disabilities may have the right to record for their private use if that method is determined to be a reasonable accommodation by Student Accessibility Services. Disregard of the University's copyright policy and federal copyright law is a Student Code of Conduct violation.

Use of Technology to Support Student Learning in Your Course

This course will use the following technological platforms: [e.g., Google Drive, Canvas, Top Hat]. I am committed to ensuring access to online course resources by students. If you have any concerns or questions about access or the privacy of any of these platforms, please reach out to me. The IT Service Center ( provides many IT Services including remote assistance, phones, tickets, and chat.

In the Event of a Disruption to Class

In the event of a significant disruption,  I will provide instructions about how course elements might change to continue to support the class’s learning objectives. Necessary changes to ensure continuity might include, for instance, assessments, grading, modality of instruction, course personnel, online help, and office hours. In the case of these modifications, I will upload a new syllabus or announcement about the changes on Canvas. Please also check [email/Canvas/other course notification system] for timely notice about necessary changes to course elements. Be assured that these changes are being made to continue your learning as a priority.

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