Course Description

Learning Activities, Assessments, and Time Allocation (Required)

All Brown syllabi must identify all work required or recommended of students in class (e.g., lecture, lab, discussion, studio work) and out-of-class (e.g., reading, problem sets, research project, papers, field trip, artistic or creative work), with a reasonable estimation of time needed to complete them. Time estimated to complete activities and assessments should total at least 180 hours over the term for a full-credit course.

General Orientation to the Course & Course Goals (Required)

Note: Use the course description to provide a brief introduction to the course and clarify the broad appeal of your course to students. Think about why your course might be broadly appealing or relevant to a student's future education, career, goals, or personal growth. Some instructors do this by beginning their course descriptions with major themes or big questions (Bain, 2004).