Problem Sets


2022 Assignments


  1. Matlab Assignment
  2. Particle Motion
  3. Particle Dynamics
  4. Energy/Momentum/Collisions for particles
  5. Free Vibrations
  6. Forced Vibrations
  7. Rigid body kinematics / inertial properties
  8. Rigid body dynamics

General Homework Policies:



IMPORTANT: We make up our own homework problems instead of taking them from a book, to make the course more up to date and relevant.  One regrettable consequence of this policy is that the homework assignments will almost certainly contain mistakesIf you find something in an assignment that doesn't work out, check with a TA or faculty member to see if there is an error before spending hours looking for your own error.


2021 Assignments (ENGN40 was offered during summer semester in 2021 with an unusual schedule)

  1. Matlab Assignment
  2. Particle Kinematics
  3. Particle Dynamics
  4. Energy and Momentum
  5. Vibrations WARNING: This is a long homework (but you have 2 weeks to complete it)!
  6. Rigid Body Kinematics/Inertial Properties
  7. Rigid Body Dynamics



2020 Assignments

  1. Matlab Assignment (topics from MATLAB tutorial) Live Script Solutions MATLAB solutions
    Image files for problem #10 (right click the link and select 'Save As...' cover_image.jpg payload_image.jpg
  2. Particle Motion Data files for prob 2: Circle_fixedorientation.csv Circle_with_turn.csv Solutions MATLAB code
  3. Particle Motion II Solutions MATLAB code
  4. Energy and Momentum csv file for problem 5 Solutions
  5. Vibrations I Solutions
  6. Vibrations II Solutions Live Script
  7. Rigid bodies I Solutions
  8. Rigid bodies II Solutions


2019 Assignments

  1. Matlab Assignment Matlab solutions Live Script Solutions
  2. Particle motion Solutions Live Script Matlab Code CRS-8 Telemetry Data File
  3. Newton's laws; calculating particle trajectories with MATLAB Solutions Live Script Matlab Script
  4. Energy and Momentum track_collision.m billiard_impact.avi Solutions
  5. Free vibrations Solutions
  6. Forced vibrations Solutions
  7. Rigid Bodies 1: Describing rotational motion; intertial properties Solutions Script to animate rotations
  8. Rigid Bodies 2: Dynamics of rigid bodies Solutions


2018 Assignments

  1. Matlab Assignment Live Script Solutions Matlab m file solutions
  2. HW2: Particle Dynamics Data file for fed rat Data file for fasted rat Solutions Matlab Live Script Matlab m file
  3. HW3: Particle motion problems with MATLAB. Matlab for trebuchet animation Solutions Matlab Live Script
  4. HW4: Energy/momentum Solutions Matlab solutions crash.wmv crash.mp4 track_crash.m check_hw4_p6.p
  5. HW5: Free vibrations Solutions
  6. HW6: Forced vibrations Solutions
  7. HW7: Rigid body kinematics; inertial properties of rigid bodies Matlab code to animate rotations Solutions
  8. HW8: Rigid body dynamics Solutions


2017 Assignments

  1. MATLAB assignment Due Friday February 3 2017. Mupad solutions LiveScript Solutions MATLAB solutions
  2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Particles. Data file for problem 2 Due Friday Feb 10 Solutions Matlab Code
  3. Calculating motion of particles with MATLAB Due Friday Feb 17 Solutions Matlab Code Mupad Code
  4. Energy and Momentum. baseball movie track baseball code. Code to check prob 6 Solutions Matlab soln Mupad soln
  5. Free Vibrations Solutions
  6. Forced Vibrations Solutions
  7. Rigid Bodies 1 animate_rotation.m Solutions
  8. Rigid Bodies 2 Solutions


2016 Assignments

  1. MATLAB assignment Mupad solutions Matlab solutions
  2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Particles. Data file for problem 3 Solutions Matlab code
  3. Calculating motion of particles with MATLAB. Solutions Matlab code
  4. Energy and Linear Momentum for Particles. Data file for regulation Lax ball Data file for SwaxLax ball Solutions MATLAB
  5. Vibrations: Solutions
  6. Rigid body kinematics, Solutions
  7. Rigid body dynamics, Solutions


2015 Assignments

  1. MATLAB assignment MATLAB solutions Mupad solutions
  2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Particles. Data file for quadcopter problem Solutions
  3. Solving particle motion problems with Mupad/Matlab Solutions Matlab codes Mupad
  4. Energy and Linear Momentum for Particles Solutions.
  5. Vibrations: Solutions
  6. Rigid Body Kinematics Solutions
  7. Rigid Body Dynamics Solutions


2014 Assignments

  1. MATLAB assignment Solutions (mupad) Solutions (Matlab)
  2. Kinematics and dynamics of particles (Due Fri Feb 7) Web page for bow and arrow experiments Solutions Matlab
  3. Solving particle motion problems with MATLAB/Mupad (Due Fri Feb 14) animate_helicopter.m animate_pendulum.m Solutions Matlab code for solutions
  4. Energy methods, Impulse and Momentum (Due Fri Feb 28). Solutions Note that we will cover impulse and momentum in class on Tues 25th.
  5. Free (damped and undamped) vibrations Solutions (Due Fri March 21)
  6. Forced vibrations (Solutions) (Due Fri April 4)
  7. Rigid body kinematics Solutions
  8. Rigid body dynamics data file for hydrofoil problem (csv file - can be read by matlab) (Solutions) (Due Fri April 25)



2013 Assignments

    1. MATLAB assignment (Due Friday Feb 1). Mupad solutions Matlab solutions (Grading scheme is given in the HW). Before doing this assignment please work through sections 1-13 of the MATLAB tutorial, and then work through the Mupad tutorial. Brown users can download MATLAB from the CIS server.
    2. Kinematics and dynamics of particles (Due Fri Feb 8) Solutions Additional optional un-graded practice problems (don't hand them in!) (From Nelson, et al, 'Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics  Amazon link>>) Kinematics: 2.45, 2.48, 2.52, 2.58, 2.60, 2.66, 2.73, 2.75, .276 (hard) 2.81, 2.82, 2,86, 2.90, 2.98, 2.99, 2.104, 2.105, 2.106, Forces and motion: 3.32, 3.36, 3.37, 3.39, 3.43, 3.48, 3.49, 3.52, 5.68, 5.91, 5.92, 5.95, 5.96, 5.101, 5.106, 5.114, 5.123, 5.125, 5.140, 5.141, 5.155,  Also for those who are still interested in Felix Baumgartner after wading through that tricky homework problem here's an article just published Feb 5 updating some of the statistics
    3. Solving equations of motion for particles. Solutions The matlab scripts to do the animations are here: animate_pendulum.m animate_quadrupole.m Additional optional un-graded practice problems (Nelson et al) 3.33, 3.45, 3.54 (the problem should read “show that the solution to the equation of motion is…”) 3.58, 3.59
    4. Energy and Momentum for particles. Solutions Additional optional un-graded practice problems (Nelson et al) Work and Energy for particles 6.43, 6.44, 6.46, 6.47, 6.55, 6.57, 6.64, 6.66, 6.68, 6.79, 6.90. 6.92, 6.93, 6.94, 6.95 Impulse/Momentum for particles 7.54, 7.55, 7.59, 7.62, 7.84, 7.85, 7.86, 7.87, 7.89, 7.90, 7.97, 7.98, 7.100, 7.101, 7.102
    5. Vibrations 1. Solutions Due Friday March 22 Optional ungraded practice problems: 8.3, 8.4,
      8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.16, 8.18, 8.19, 8.20
    6. Vibrations 2 Solutions Due Friday April 5
    7. Rigid Bodies 1 Solutions Due Friday April 12
    8. Rigid Bodies 2 Solutions Due Friday April 26

2012 Assignments

    1. MATLAB assignment (Due Friday Feb 3).  Solutions Before doing this assignment please work through sections 1-15 of the MATLAB tutorial. Brown users can download MATLAB from the CIS server. For off-campus use you will need to install the VPN client first, and make a VPN connection to Brown (the username and password for connecting to VPN are the same as those you use to access BANNER or your Brown email)
    2. Kinematics and dynamics of Particles (Due Friday Feb 10). Solutions
    3. Solving equations of motion for particles (Due Friday Feb 17) Solutions
      Matlab scripts: animate_impeller.m animate_projectiles.m, animate_pendulum.m
    4. Energy and Momentum for Particles (Due Friday March 2) Solutions
    5. Free Vibrations (Due Friday March 23) Solutions
    6. Forced Vibrations (Due Friday April 6) (Solutions) Correction
    7. Rigid Bodies 1 (Due Friday April 13) Matlab file with helmet acceleration data Solutions MATLAB solution
    8. Rigid Bodies 2 (Due Friday April 27) Solutions

2011 Assignments

  1. MATLAB assignment (Due Friday Feb 4).  Before doing this assignment please work through sections 1-15 of the MATLAB tutorial Solutions
  2. Kinematics and dynamics of Particles (Due Friday Feb 11). Solutions
  3. Solving equations of motion for particles (Due Friday Feb 18) Solutions
  4. Energy and Momentum for Particles (Due Friday March 4) Solutions
  5. Free Vibrations (Due Friday March 25) Solutions
  6. Forced Vibrations (Due Friday April 8) Solutions
  7. Rigid bodies Due Friday April 16 Solutions
  8. Rigid bodies - due Friday April 29 Solutions. Note that there is a mistake in the solution for problem # 2, Eq. 4, which should read as a_x = - R theta_2_dot/2 instead of a_x = - R
    theta_2_dot. However, the damage is contained. The only difference is, friction force is now f = (4/9) mg instead of mg/2. The disk still slips along the inclined plane and the rest of the solution is valid.

2010 Assignments

    1. MATLAB assignment (Due Friday Feb 5). Before doing this assignment please work through sections 1-14 of the MATLAB tutorial Solutions
    2. Particle Dynamics (Due Friday Feb 12) Solutions
    3. Particle Dynamics 2 (Due Friday Feb 19) Solutions
    4. Energy/Momentum (Due Friday March 5)  MATLAB file for snooker problem Solutions
    5. Vibrations 1 (Due Friday, March 26) Solutions
    6. Vibrations 2 (Due Friday, April 9)  Solutions - NOTE error in frequencies in final problem (Greenhouse Gas) of sqrt(3) that is not correct in solutions !!!
    7. Rigid bodies 1   (Due Fri April 16)
    8. Rigid bodies 2   solutions (Due Fri April 30)

2009 Assignments

    1. MATLAB tutorial and MATLAB assignment (Due Friday Jan 30) Solutions
    2. Particle dynamics (Due Friday Feb 6) Solutions
    3. Analyzing motion of particles with MATLAB (Due Friday Feb 13) Solutions
    4. Energy methods for particles (Due Friday Feb 27) Solutions
    5. Linear and Angular Momentum for particles (Not graded - use as exam prep) Solutions
      The matlab snooker simulation can be downloaded here
    6. Vibrations 1 (Due Friday, March 20) Solutions NOTE: Prob. 2 depends on Lo.  Assume L=Lo.
    7. Vibrations 2 (Due Friday, April 3) (Last Problem revised slightly on March 29/30) Solutions
    8. Vibs/Rigid-Body Project HW (Part 2 of the attached file, which is the Project description; new file with slight modifications to clarify analysis was posted 4/6/09)  Solution
    9. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies ; Solutions
    10. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies ; Solutions